Wednesday 24 June 2009

Bad hair day

In between chipping the large areas of the Jagdtiger, I decided to give the fabled "hairspray" method a try on the DAK Panzer IV. The model was primed with Mr Surfacer and an basecoat of darkish grey mix of gunze color was applied. All seems well and the hairspray was applied onto the turret followed by a mix of tamiya acrylics thinned with tamiya's thinner....
This was when disaster struck. The thinner reacted with the hairspray and the overspray bit down on the basecoat, making it almost impossible to "chip", large chunks of overspray lifted up when water was applied, not the subtle chips I was visualising.
More reading and I found a lengthy discussion on this technique in Mig's Production Forum. It was mentioned that when using Tamiya acrylics as overspray, it was best to thin the acrylics down with water. What followed was a few painstaking days of removing the botched job from the turret and in the removal process, the stowage bin detached from the turret. More repair work on the way...

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