Thursday 7 May 2009

Keep them rolling

The fact that improvements are needed to bring old DML kits up to current standards meant that you either add these improvement in the form of aftermarket accessories or simply scratch build them. I did both for this Panzer IV F1.

Improvements made to the kit:
- Commander's cupola from Artisan Mori
- Driver and radio operator's hatches from TMD
- Sproket housing (no idea what they are called)from TMD
- Fenders and on-vehicle tools were spares obtained from the Panzer IVE kit.
- Dipped into my spare parts box for jerry cans and spare wheels
- Tarps rolled from Tamiya epoxy putty

Building of this little cat allowed me to rediscover the joy of building old DML kits. The little imperfections in these kits has allowed me to improvise, think out-of-the-box (pun intended) and in the process, produce a model that is unique from others.

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