Sunday 26 April 2009

Panzer IV Ausf E

This project is intended to be built almost straight out of the box. The minor replacements are the Bronco half wing nuts and Aber tool clamps in place of those provided by the kit. The intention is to create a model representing a Panzer IV E during Operation Barbarossa, Germany's invasion into Soviet Union in the summer of 1941.
I began building this baby early this week and grinded through the delicate suspension systems and wheels the first night. To me, completing the wheels and suspension system for DML Panzer IV series is half the battle won!
As of this weekend, the model is 90% constructed. What remains are the on-vehicle tools on the left fender and some minor PE parts to be glued on. Below are some of the progress shots taken from the workbench this afternoon.
Progress shot of the model from the right. The new generation DML kits are a joy to construct, fitting almost seamlessly with little, in any, filling required.

As the hatches are to be left open, the turret is currently left unglued in these major sub-assemblies seen above to facilitate the painting of the interior.

On-vehicle tools waiting to be glued.

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