Thursday 30 April 2009

Panzer IV Ausf.E construction completed

Building on the momentum of the completion of the Pz IV E's construction, I pulled out a previously half-built Pz IVF-1 and spruced it up with the parts left over from the newer kit.

Yes, this F-1 is based on the old DML kit, which at its time of release was considered an excellent kit but pales in comparison when placed side by side with the new generation Panzer IV kit.

Monday 27 April 2009

Hate'em and love'em - on vehicle tools.

For myself, on vehicle tools are usually left to the last, especially when PE parts are involved. Sadly, more often than not, this resulted in many of my projects being shelved after building the chasis, turret, gun, linking up the individual tracks, checking the "sag" on each side of the tracks etc. The fun part of construction is over and it is the back-breaking time to start handling those pesky little PE parts with my stubby fingers.
This time, I am determined to finish up the tool clamps for the remaining tools left over from the previous week as soon as possible. The Bronco wing nuts are God-sent replacements for the microscopic wing nuts provided by the kit. Personally I found it impossible to handle the ones provided and these replacement wing nuts provide a better overall finish as compared to the PE ones.
To ensure that the wing nuts are able to withstand a fair amount of abuse especially during the weathering stage, the PE parts which the plastic wing nuts will come into contact are replaced with styrene strips. A quick brush of Tamiya thin cement is applied and the wing nuts is put in place.
Parts #MA28 and MA29, which were the brackets for the jack, were replaced with styrene strips as they seemed be too narrow for the jack.
One night of cutting, gluing and mission accomplished. I am glad that the tools are completed. The tools shall be installed tomorrow. Since it is already 1am now, I will pick a book to research on a suitable Panzer unit which this Panzer IV will be modelled after.

Tiger 1 WIP

The famed DML kit 6253 built with minimal modifications, construction completed in November 2008. 1 down, 3 more to go.

Jagdtiger WIP

DML kit, construction completed in March 2009, mainly straight out of the box. Improvements were made from styrene strips. No aftermarket parts used.

Worthy of note is the slightly lower sitting of the entire vehicle, to depict the stress endured by the suspension system from having to support this 70 ton mammoth. This was achieved by lowering the suspension arms of the road wheels.

Porsche Tiger WIP

Construction of this Tiger was completed sometime in mid 2008. The photo-etched parts (fenders inclusive) was purchased in one of my business trip to Shanghai in 2007 from Lion Roar. Fruil tracks were used to replace those provided by the kit.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Panzer IV Ausf E

This project is intended to be built almost straight out of the box. The minor replacements are the Bronco half wing nuts and Aber tool clamps in place of those provided by the kit. The intention is to create a model representing a Panzer IV E during Operation Barbarossa, Germany's invasion into Soviet Union in the summer of 1941.
I began building this baby early this week and grinded through the delicate suspension systems and wheels the first night. To me, completing the wheels and suspension system for DML Panzer IV series is half the battle won!
As of this weekend, the model is 90% constructed. What remains are the on-vehicle tools on the left fender and some minor PE parts to be glued on. Below are some of the progress shots taken from the workbench this afternoon.
Progress shot of the model from the right. The new generation DML kits are a joy to construct, fitting almost seamlessly with little, in any, filling required.

As the hatches are to be left open, the turret is currently left unglued in these major sub-assemblies seen above to facilitate the painting of the interior.

On-vehicle tools waiting to be glued.

Saturday 25 April 2009

In the beginning....

After a 3 year hiatus from active military modelling, I made a resolution at the beginning of this year to head back to active building with the aim of reducing my collection of unbuilt armor kits. Hence, this blog was started with the purpose of putting on record the number of models completed and my journey in the building process.

With my last completed model to be the excellent DML Panzer IV E kit in January 2006, it seems only appropriate that I rekindle my modelling passion with another DML Panzer IV E kit in my collection.

The journey begins...