Friday 18 September 2009

Stug III Ausf B Operation Barbarossa

Got around to painting the accessories on the engine deck and finally concluded that air-brushing these accessories is way easier than hand painting. These photos are taken pre-"dusting" and hence the undercarriage appears so clean. Will update the post with the final pictures.

Panzer IV Ausf F2 Completed

After several weeks of dragging my feet with other projects, I finally turned around to finish this little cat. The figure is from a Tristar kit and is completely painted in Vallejo acrylics following Calvin Tan's Osprey publication. Not as smooth as the master but good enough for me now :P.

Feels good to finally complete an old DML offering.


Dragon's premium offering of the legendary Soviet tank built straight out of the box. Painted in Gunze's Dark Green and added sail to the base color as highlight. Overall a really fast and enjoable built. The lack of on-vehicle tools in comparison with its German adversaries is a much needed relief.

Panther Ausf D, Kursk 1943

Built pretty much straight out of the box with minor improvements for the engine mesh and cables from Karaya. The model was undercoated with Hull Red before the actual 3-tone camo was applied. The entire model was given a wash of diluted yellow orche oils to "warm" up the tank. As this was to represent a fairly new Panther making its debut appearance at the Battle of Kursk in 1943, I restricted myself to only fairly light "chipping" to areas where the paint job were expected to wear off.

Weathering of the undercarriage was done with a mist of Humbrol thinner before "sprinkling" of the pigments. This resulted in the pigments clumping up together at random position giving the dirt a more scaled representation.

Completed projects

After much procrastination, I finally got down to taking some pictures of the models I completed within the months of August and September. Different color schemes and weathering techniques were used (some with disastrous results due to my own doing) for these models for myself to get warmed up. Will post more pictures once I get the camera battery recharged.