Wednesday 12 August 2009

DAK Panzer 99% complete

After much contemplation, I decided not to attempt the "hairspray" method on this model. Instead, the worn-off areas showing the underlying German gray coat was simulated by good old dry brushing . Perhaps this method better replicate the effects of the harsh Sahara weather would have on the tanks with the frequent sand storms beating on the armor plates to create a more sand-blasted wear on the surface paint rather than heavy chips.

The tracks and lower hull was given a heavy wash of oil wash mixed with yellow ochre and titanium white oils to simulate the fine dust/sand trapped in the crevices of the lower hull.

The model was painted entirely with Gunze paints and several different shades of oil paints will applied as wash. Remaining work to be done include light dusting of the vehicle's hull and touching up on some OVM details.